Case Study
Patient Relative Room at Barnet Hospital – Video
Barnet Hospital officially opened their fully furnished Commercial Escape patient relative room in September 2009.
The building needed to fit in with the existing hospital environment but also be eco friendly. The building has a living sedum roof as well as sun pipe lighting to flood natural light into the building. The aim of the building is to provide a restful retreat for relatives and friends spending long hours at the hospital, with someone who is approaching the end of their life.
The Commercial Escape successfully linked the new garden room to the existing hospital in the courtyard completing the build ahead of schedule.
Barnet hospital relative room
Sedum roof and sunpipes
Hospital family room interior
Enclosed walkway to main hospital
"The building is just fantastic. It gives us a high quality environment for patients, carers and families. It is completely different from any other area in the main hospital. Fantastic!"
Kay Laurie
Deputy Director Patient Experience