Case Study

Forest Way School SEN Classrooms

Building type: SEND
Project price: £302,948
Completion date: 2020

This is Forest Way School’s second building from us after having their first building at the end of 2019. See case study here.


Why did you want to develop additional space?

To create provision for pupils with specific learning difficulties.


What made TG Escapes stand out from other providers?

Their ability to meet tight deadlines under exceptionally difficult circumstances and delivery of a fantastic end product.


What are the biggest benefits you have noticed for the pupils and staff?

That the provision was able to open on time.


How or where did you first hear about TG Escapes?

We have dealt with TG Escapes previously.

"This was a bespoke design for pupils with specific learning needs. The design works perfectly. Great communication throughout the project at all levels."
Ian Wood
Business Manager