TG Escapes Blog

The latest articles from the TG Escapes team. Read on to keep up to date on the latest innovations and stories in the world of modular eco-building for education and business.

Exploring the Eco Schools Show

 The sun has come out for us at the Eco Schools Show in Sheffield today. We're here at stand 19 promoting our eco classrooms and this morning we gave a workshop on Outdoor Learning and Environmental Citizenship. Throughout the day we've been exploring the rest of the...

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Some kind words

We would like to thank one of our customers Katie Kelk for her kind words the other month. "I just wanted to take the opportunity to say how very pleased we have been with everything related to the planning and  construction of our office. The guys working on it -...

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Saving Space with The Garden Escape

Recent research carried out by the Royal Institute of British Architects has suggested that new houses are far too small. Many Britons are beginning to find that their new builds don’t have space to store everything they need and still have room to relax. There have...

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A Garden Office can be the perfect working space

Some good tips here at Home Designing for creating an inspiring work space at home. A garden room can provide the solution to a stressful and expensive commute saving you money, time and even your sanity. We think that a dedicated space in the outdoors makes a good...

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Benefits of outdoor play

There are many benefits to outdoor play. According to research (Fjortoft 2004; Burdette and Whitaker 2005), children who play outdoors regularly: Become fitter and leaner Develop stronger immune systems Have more active imaginations Have lower stress levels Play more...

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Dickleburgh children inspired by nature

We asked Dickleburgh Pre-School Chairman Molly Ball about the benefit of their new space to the children. We recently completed an extension for her school which we had originally designed a building for in April 2010.She told us of the impact on the children’s...

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How the space you are in affects the way you feel

Scientific American writes on How Room Designs Affect Your Work and Mood. We came across this interesting article again recently. It is all about how the space you are in has a big influence on how...

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Inspiring spaces for young children

There is a great deal of evidence that the more inspiring the learning space the better children will learn. We also know from our experience that an outdoor learning environment is inspiring to children and helps them re-connect with nature. We like big windows and...

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Children need to re-connect with nature

We haven’t seen the full documentary but this trailer is worth a look. ‘Play Again’ looks at how technology has changed childhood and the importance of re-connecting with nature. We believe that outdoor learning can help children and society to develop in a more...

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Mr Campbell-Harris’ clients get the personal touch

As a personal trainer, Mr Campbell-Harris spends a good deal of time inspiring his clients. He wanted a space at home from which he could work which would do just the same. Now, clients benefit from a more personal touch. “Having my own personal training space,...

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