Case Study
Sports pavilion and dementia day care centre for Shinfield parish
The project provides a 184m2 sports pavilion with 2 team changing rooms, officials changing, showers, a club room and a kitchen as well as a wider 22-place car parking and lighting scheme. The building has a canopy and dual-pitch standing seam roof with PV array. As well as providing sports facilities, the building is used as a daycare centre for dementia sufferers. The project was managed by the University of Reading on behalf of the Shinfield Parish Council. Price included parking area and external lighting.
Why did you want to develop this additional space?
We needed a pavilion to go with the cricket and football pitches for use by local clubs.
What made TG Escapes stand out from other providers?
The building is practical and stylish and snagging issues have been dealt with very well
What are the biggest benefits you have noticed or are hoping for?
Hoping that it will be cheap to run and nothing will go wrong.
How or where did you first hear about TG Escapes?
From Reading University who were the client on this project.