Why Don’t You….

Why Don’t You….

…..Just Switch Off Your Television Set and Go Out and Do Something Less Boring Instead? was, somewhat ironically, the highlight of my summer holidays in the 1970s. Though of course by the time it, and a handful of other classic kids shows, had finished there wasn’t...
Swap Blue Light for Sunlight

Swap Blue Light for Sunlight

The sun is shining, the school year is approaching its end and you and your students are sweating under the glare of fluorescent lighting with a background tinge of blue from computer screens. Attention spans are frayed and patience is in short supply…time to swap the...
Gardening Projects for Kids

Gardening Projects for Kids

Watching seeds grow that they have planted themselves; making petal collages or perfume or even just stringing together a daisy chain, are some of the simple pleasures from which rich memories are made. Involving your children in fun gardening activities encourages...