Beat the weather with energy efficient Garden Rooms

Beat the weather with energy efficient Garden Rooms

After our great summer, which culminated in a wonderful September (the driest on record), autumn seems to have arrived with rather a jolt. As the nights grow longer than the days in the Northern Hemisphere, the temperature contrast between the Equator and the North...
Shelter from the Midday Sun

Shelter from the Midday Sun

Oak before ash, in for a splash. Ash before oak, in for a soak. So goes the old wives’ tale and the fact that, this spring, our oaks burst into leaf many weeks before our ash would seem to add some weight to the theory. So far, this summer has been one of the hottest...
Aesthetics, Functionality or Both?

Aesthetics, Functionality or Both?

When designing our garden rooms, our architect set out to achieve a harmonious blend of aesthetical elegance and practical functionality, with a healthy overlay of environmental friendliness. From the very first consultation, one of the Garden Escape team will assist...
How Does Your Garden Grow? On The Roof.

How Does Your Garden Grow? On The Roof.

Leaving aesthetics aside, there are many reasons why you might like to think about having a living roof on your garden room. Our preferred roof plant material is sedum, a beautiful succulent that does so much more than just look good. It adds mass and thermal...