Full of the Joys of Spring

Full of the Joys of Spring

To be full of the joys of Spring, as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, is to be lively and cheerful. At this time, with the spring equinox and with the clocks springing forward, it is perhaps a good time to contemplate the why and how of springtime joyfulness....
Getting Ready for Spring in the Garden

Getting Ready for Spring in the Garden

Day by day, dawn is rising ever earlier and dusk descending a little later. Daylight hours are on the up and if you brave the elements and take a stroll around your garden, you will find that nature’s pioneers are already leading the way into spring.  Snowdrops are...
The Progress of Spring

The Progress of Spring

THE groundflame of the crocus breaks the mould,  Fair Spring slides hither o’er the Southern sea,  Wavers on her thin stem the snowdrop cold  That trembles not to kisses of the bee:  Come Spring, for now from all the dripping eaves  The spear of ice has wept...